Saturday, April 14, 2012

What a Week!

I'll be honest, I'm exhausted - and really ready for next week's Spring Break!   Here's a peek of classroom life from this week:

Accidental Multiplication!  The children set up the Golden Bead materials for addition and decided to each choose the same numbers (3,344).  They found out that 3,344 x 2 = 6,688.
Water Transferring with a baster.
We went on a nature walk to look for signs of spring and to collect different types of mosses.  Here, my assistant set everything up at a table for the children to make their own terrariums...

These are some of them lined up on the counter.  So beautiful!

Lacing Frame practice.  I enjoy watching the children's concentration as they work with the dressing frames!
Working the the Cards and Counters.  Some of the children have been going back to lessons they had earlier in the year.  I think it is an interesting observation - maybe they are feeling a need for comfort with something familiar before moving on...? 
Matching initial sounds with picture cards using the Moveable Alphabet.

Geography study and the Land and Water Forms:  System of Lakes and Archipelago.
Exciting math work!  Comparing the Short Chains while practicing skip counting.

We started our garden this week!  The children have planted snow peas and Egyptian onions with plans to plant radishes, kale, and beets.  The river birch branches are for the snow peas to climb as they grow.  This project is part of the children's Spanish language lessons and is being completed with our Spanish teacher.  They have also made a decorated wooden garden planks with the Spanish word for labels in the garden - I'll be sure to take more pictures as the garden progresses.  

Last week, some of the children started making collages using the Pink Tower and Knobless Cylinders.  Here is one which was finished earlier in the week.
Working with the calendar.  After the child sets up the numbers, I ask questions such as, "What is the date on the fourth Sunday?" or "What day of the week is the 20th?"
Practical LifeSpooning springtime eggs.
Building concentration with the Peg Board.


  1. Hi Sacha!
    I feel lucky somebody wrote about your blog, so I found it! So many ideas, so many bright Montessori solutions!
    Many thanks for your sharing, so others renew their inspiration.

    Regards from a sunny but chilli

    Alingsås, Sweden

  2. Thank you so much, Maria! And welcome to my blog - I'm very glad to share ideas and so happy you found me. Welcome!

  3. Hi Sasha!
    I have seen all your polishing activities and wonder what do you use for the different materials? We still have children that taste everything!

    Regards from a still sunny and of course chilli


  4. Hi Maria,

    We use the all natural wood and leather polishes from Montessori Services as well as the metal polish they sell. As for glass, a mix of white vinegar and water does the trick if you are worried about kids tasting things... I hope this helps! :)


  5. Thank you for the answer. I ll see then what Montessori services offers.

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