Saturday, March 5, 2016

Humming Along

The children continue moving forward in their lessons and activities in the classroom.  A few pictures to share from the last couple of weeks:

Beginning Sentence Analysis.

Memorization of addition facts.

Explaining 'Go-Togethers.'

Pronoun-verb agreement.

Addition with the Stamp Game using all four categories.

Understanding place value and quantity with the Teen Boards and Beads.

Two mornings worth of work - the completed 45 Layout!

Using puzzles to learn Russian words.

Careful construction and exploration with the Pink Tower and Brown Stair.

Using a baster to transfer water.

Refining skills with the Sponging lesson.

Comparing cylinders in the Cylinder Blocks.

Arranging flowers for the classroom.

Using the Hundred Chain to practice linear and skip counting.

Learning about odd and even numbers with the Cards and Counters lesson.

The Spindle Box allows the child to internalize the concept of zero.

Practicing cutting skills.

Look at those cross stitches!

"I know how to do this.  I've seen someone else do it.'  After weaving the ribbons on the rack, this child is carefully winding the ribbon to be placed back into the dish.

Transferring water beads - a lot harder than it looks!

Pouring water into four cups.